Knee Healed!
Knee pain gone
At Celebrate Jesus meeting - Healing of knee damage - movement restored!
Roy 18/3/23
Leg Healed
Knee pain gone
My leg was aching - like a tight string pulling inside and very painful. After prayer at the Celebrate Jesus meeting - NO PAIN! Thank you Jesus!
Ronda 18/3/23
Digestive System - Healed!
Knee pain gone
At the Celebrate Jesus gathering there was a word of knowledge given about digestive systems. I stood up. My digestive system felt like it was shutting down. Jesus healed my system completely! I give Him all the glory and the praise! He is AWESOME!
L.A. 24/3/23
Knee pain gone
I had encephalitis about 30 years ago, which resulted in brain damage. I spoke in babble and was severely disabled. God gradually healed my brain over years so that now my mental functioning is good. But I have had the experience of being a detached brain observing myself go through the motions of living without any real connection to life or people. This has persisted over the years. Two weeks ago I said to Gd that I wanted to be healed. He said to travel to get healing so I looked on Google for healing meetings and saw the Healing Rooms conference in Canberra. So I packed my bags and headed down. God said He would heal me. Toward the end of Saturday night the speaker asked if there was anyone with injury to the brain so I stood up. A number of people prayed for me and I felt immersed in God - body, soul and spirit. When I opened my eyes I was restored. I felt like I was alive again - actually connected and present like I used to be. Praise Jeshua for His kindness and goodness.
Lower Back Disc Pain - Gone!
Knee pain gone
X-Rays showed that I had a degenerated disc in the lower back near tail bone. Pain ranged from 9-10 at worst when getting up from sitting, or 1-2 when walking. After prayer at the Celebrate Jesus meeting my pain is a zero with an occasional slight niggling pain when I get up that I tell to go in the Name of Jesus and thank Him for healing me 100% and what He’s begun He will bring to completion!! Amen!
Lars 24/3/23
Pain Gone!
Knee pain gone
At the Celebrate Jesus meeting I had healing in hip socket and groin. I had pain for a long time. Full healing!!
Oscar 17/3/23
Damaged Tendon
Knee pain gone
Severely damaged tendon when broke right ankle . Had time in boot, months on crutches, walking stick. Started driving short distances over the last few weeks. Still painful. Still limited movement. No way could I crouch low on my toes! After prayer at the Celebrate Jesus meeting I have FULL MOVEMENT, NO PAIN and I’m crouching low beautifully. Praise the Lord!!
Denise 18/3/23
Knee pain gone!
Knee pain gone
I have had repeated physio treatment on my left leg - adductor muscle, tendinitis (Achilles heel). Recently some knee pain has been recurring too and I’d started to think “now this too”. During the Celebrate Jesus gathering, every time I crossed my leg, I had stabbing knee pain. I stood up for the knee pain. It mostly disappeared, even when I crossed my legs - about 95% improved and the other strains have significantly reduced. Thank you Jesus!
S.N. 15/3/23
3 ‘major surgeries’
3 major surgeries
I attended the 20th Birthday celebration for Healing Rooms in Cranbourne and was physically healed of a chronic neck injury 21 years ago that had left me with severe pain through my left shoulder and loud audible grinding or “clicking” whenever I turned my neck. Three minutes of intense prayer and hands on healing and it was freed.
I have also suffered a torn meniscus cartilage in my right knee for 5 years made worse by a nasty bike accident last year that shattered my right ankle. It has pins & screws through it & grinds when I walk.
I have had pins and needles in my foot since the surgery. This was tended to with more hands on prayer and full movement was restored with sensation returning to my foot and blood flow to my toes.
A truly miraculous healing! Thank you Jesus!!
Jase 17/3/23